Monday, May 9, 2011

Review of Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione

I stumbled across Larissa Ione's novels one day while I was in Wal-Mart, my go to place when new novels are released. I was actually searching for another novel when I noticed Lore's book sitting prettily on the shelf. It drew me in because of the beautiful, shiny purple of his body. Anywho, after purchasing it, I will admit that I was wary considering I'm quite particular about the authors I read. To my surprise, the novel was absolutely amazing. I absolutely adored it. That was about a year and a half ago and I've been a fan of hers ever since.

Now to the fun stuff.

After the long and grueling wait for Eternal Rider to be released, I finally picked it up and devoured it in a couple of hours.

Synopsis on book: His name is Ares, and the fate of mankind rests on his powerful shoulders. If he falls to the forces of evil, the world falls too. As one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, he is far stronger than any mortal, but even he cannot fight his destiny forever. Not when his own brother plots against him.
                              Yet there is one last hope. Gifted in a way other humans can't-or won't- understand, Cara Thornhart is the key to both this horseman's safety and his doom. But involving Cara will prove treacherous, even beyond the maddening, dangerous desire that seizes them the moment they meet. For staving off eternal darkness could have a staggering cost: Cara's life.

My Take: Ares is the second horseman whose good-turned-evil brother is after him, wanting to break his seal so the horsemen can once again ride. He's a warrior at heart and everything he does is meticulous and perfectly strategized until he meets the one human who turns his world upside down, Cara. She's kind, considerate, and is tough. After she scurries under Ares' armor, she finds a place in his heart and he'll do anything to save her.

My thoughts:
As their relationship evolved, I was pleasantly surprised that Mrs. Ione did not immediately make everything better like some novelists do. In a particular section of the novel, Cara is faced with the choice to either give the agimortus to an unwilling fallen angel or keep it. Cara chose to keep it. Sure it infuriated Ares, but if she had given it up, then our story wouldn't have been as good. 
Cara is one of my favorite heroines thus far and words can't describe how happy I was that she didn't cry every other few minutes and complain. She had the guts to stand up to a horseman of the apocalypse! For that, she has my respect ten-fold. She had her own backstory that was worth reading about how I wish I could have a couple hellhounds for pets. No more annoying neighbors.
Ares, oh how hot is he. Angry. Moody (Please don't ever tell him I called him moody). and every other sexy adjective I can think of. Even his brothers and sister are amusing, not so much Reseph, but maybe they can save him and won't have to kill him like the Seminus brothers did their brother.

I found it intriguing how Mrs. Ione infused Greek Mythology into the story. Thanatos being the god of death to the Greeks and he's the horseman of Death in the novel. (Hopefully he won't say a virgin forever). Then there was also the appearance of Hades. One of my favorite quotes of the novel was when Hades was talking to Cara towards the end of the novel. I'm not going to post it here so I don't spoil it for anyone who wants to read it here.

My final thoughts:
I enjoyed how it ended. It didn't end the way most romance novels end. You know, everybody is happy and there are no more worries. I am eager for Mrs. Ione's  newest novel, Immortal Rider, I believe the name is that tells the story of Limos, third horse(woman) of the apocalypse and Arik who we find out is dragged to hell with only the foreboding warning, "Don't say my name. No matter what they do to you, Don't say my name."

Doesn't that just you goose bumps?? Sigh, I'm excited. If I had to rate this book with stars, 0 to 10, this book wold have a 9.5..
Thanks for reading.


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